Quick Fire Book Tag


Today’s post is a book Tag that has been going round the Twittersphere that I have been tagged in on a couple of occasions by Rowena at Beneath a Thousand Skies & Shauna at Shauna Lawless writes


Thank the person that tagged you – Thanks Rowena & Shauna

Link the creators blog –The Bookworm Dreamer

Answer the prompts below!

Tag 5 others to take part – I will tag some people on Twitter, but if you are reading this thinking you would like to take part, please feel free to!

Most of all! Enjoy!

5* Read

Now this is a bit of a difficult one as I have a few five star reads of late because I have read some fantastic reads this year that all deserve a mention. So, in light of the fact that I cannot pick just one, here's a few.

So, as you can see, I couldn't choose just one. I found each of those books to be brilliant and all completely different. The Coven of Shadows by SC Gowland is epic fantasy, whilst Inscape is a fast paced sci fi thriller. The Iron Crown by LL McRae is epic in its scope and is filled with dragons, gryphons and mythical monsters. Norlyska Groans is a hard boiled fantasy based story. All amazing.

Always Going to Recommend



Although, The Last War Trilogy is not quite complete, I will always recommend this series to anyone. Mike Shackle's writing is amazing.

Own it but haven’t read it yet!

Master of Sorrows is one that I have had for an age on my TBR, and I just haven't got there. In fact there are a number of books that I have not got to quite yet. I will do soon as I do plan to read this book in 2021 (although  there isn't much of 2021 left).

Master Artificer Audiobook | Justin Call | Audible.co.uk

Would Read Again


The Greatcoats: I adore these books. They are some of my favourites and I blasted through this in about two weeks. I couldn't stop until I had finished, they are just brilliant.

In Another World


 The Fisherman by John Langan is an interesting tale of grief and otherworldly threat. This is a very subdued tale of two men who find peace in the simple art of fishing after their wives die in very different circumstances. Now you might think that a book about fishing cannot be that exciting, but after reading this I don't think I will look at this hobby in the same way again.

Back on Earth

The Lore of Prometheus: A Modern Fantasy Thriller eBook : Austin-King,  Graham: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
BBNYA winner 2020, The Lore of Prometheus is set in Kabul and is an interesting slant on the superhero. It's a military thriller which begins with John Carver taking a security Job in order to disappear fro his miserable life in England after he leaves the army. I really enjoyed this fast paced thriller.


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