It’s that time of year where we all look back on the books that we have read and try to choose the best of the best over the last year. 

As usual, this is always a tough job coz I have read a load of good books this year, and trying to narrow it down to a small number is always hard and you always think there that you should have answered this one, that one or the other one.

Anyway, let’s get on with it. I am going to change the format this year a bit. Recently, I was doing this thing over on that Bluesky where I would post 20 album covers, with no explanation and I thought it was rather good, so I am going to do that here. I am just gunna put the covers. There won’t be any rankings, no number ones, just the covers of the books that I really, really liked. 

Well there you go! I think I am all done. Gotta say, that grew a little larger than I expected 😂. 

Anyway, I hope there’s something that you might find interesting and I hope you all have a lovely New Year!


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