Today’s review is The Unkillable Princess by Taran Hunt, the second book in The Kystrom Chronicles. The book will be released on 11February 2025 and is published by Solaris.

Sean teams up with Tamara and Indigo to find his sister in the action-packed sequel to The Immmortality Thief.

Having escaped the dangers of the Nameless with the Philosopher Stone data, Sean thought his troubles were over. Until he gets a call for help from his sister Brigid--his long-dead sister. 

Brigid is sparse on the details, but she needs Sean to go to the Republican city of Illin to retrieve something called a "Purifier" for her. Reeling from the desperate hope that his sister is alive, Sean aims for Illin, dragging his new companions, Tamara Gupta formerly a Republican soldier, and Indigo, the Minister responsible for the destruction of Sean's home, into the fray. 

But as usual, Sean hasn't quite thought this through. The three of them are all wanted by Republican authorities, and Illin happens to be on the same planet as Sean’s old friend Senator Ketel. Y'know, the one who blackmailed and nearly murdered Sean. With every move Sean makes he discovers more intrigue, more people on his tail, and more ways that his little adventure could be the spark for war between the Republic and the Ministers. And to what end? Is it really his sister, a chance for family, and safety, on the other side?

400 PAGES 



Taran Hunt returns to the world of The Immortality Thief in this super-fast paced sci fi thriller, The Unkillable Princess.

The Unkillable Princess picks up shortly after the events of the Immortality Thief, and the crew of the Viper; Sean Wren, Tamara Gupta and Indigo, the Ministerial Deserter find themselves entrenched in political espionage after Sean receives a communication out of the blue from his supposedly dead sister.

With a plot that moves at the pace of a zip wire, whilst having a bevy of twists and turns, The Unkillable Princess is a fantastic joyride of a book that never lets up. 

Moving away from the isolation sci-fi tones of the first novel, Taran Hunt shifts gears and tones with this follow up. She expands the world of the republic as the book moves away from the singular location haunted house setting of the first book and takes in the planet of Parnasse and other areas of the Republic. The scope of the setting gives the narrative broadness that adds to the story. 

As Sean attempts to determine if the contact that he has received is actually from his sister, we follow the group as their relationship grows. In addition to this we find out more about Sean and his background in the form of flashbacks. Initially this structure can confuse the reader, but as they become used to the structure it further expands the universe and what happened in the past. 

The Unkillable Princess is a frenetically fast paced follow up to the Immortality Thief that is utterly enjoyable. 


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